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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Journal Article | 1969 | Agrawal, D.P. | Tata Institute radiocarbon date list VII | Radiocarbon | [Agrawal, 1969 #26619] |
Book Section | 1969 | Alexander, J. | Origins of yam cultivation | Domestication and exploitation of plants and animals | [Alexander, 1969 #24561] |
Book Section | 1969 | Allchin, F. Raymond | Early domestic animals in India and Pakistan | The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals | [Allchin, 1969 #23952] |
Book Section | 1969 | Allchin, F. Raymond | Early cultivated plants in India and Pakistan | The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals | [Allchin, 1969 #23953] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Amadeus, W. M. | Review of "The traditional music of Thailand" by David Morton | Journal of the Siam Society | [Amadeus, 1969 #34191] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Anderson, E. N. Jr. | Cantonese Ethnohoptology | Ethnos | [Anderson, 1969 #35317] |
Book in a Series | 1969 | Aranyakanon, Payome | Tin deposits in Thailand | Second Technical Conference on Tin | [Aranyakanon, 1969 #21953] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Aung Thaw, U. | The "Neolithic" culture of the Padah-lin Caves | Journal of the Burma Research Society | [Aung 1969 #35814] |
Journal Article | 1969 | B. A. Ru-Ba-Cop, | The gioi da biet gi ve di tich khao co hoc [ Ce qu'on sait de nos vestiges archéologiques ] | Khao Co Hoc | [B. 1969 #31451] |
Journal Article | 1969 | B. A. Ru-Ba-Cop, | Buoi dau cua nuoc Nga [ Les débutes de la Russie ] | Khao Co Hoc | [B. 1969 #31452] |
Book (Edited) | 1969 | Barkataki, S. | Tribes of Assam | Indiathe land and people | [Barkataki, 1969 #21349] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Bayard, Donn T. | Science, truth and reality in the "new archaeology" | American Antiquity | [Bayard, 1969 #35939] |
Book | 1969 | Bean, J. H. | The iron-ore deposits of West Malaysia | Economic Bulletin | [Bean, 1969 #20062] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Bénisti, Mireille | Notes d'iconographie khmère - VI. Le linteau bouddhique de Prását Cráp | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Bénisti, 1969 #32111] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Bhardwaj, H. C. | Copper red glasses through the ages | Puratattva | [Bhardwaj, 1969 #29943] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Bhattacharys, Kamaleswar | Supplément aux recherches sur le vocabulaire des inscriptions sanskrites du Cambodge | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Bhattacharys, 1969 #32112] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Boeles, J. J. | A Ramayana relief from the Khmer sanctuary at Pimai in north-east Thailand | Journal of the Siam Society | [Boeles, 1969 #34195] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Boriskovskii, P. I. | Vietnam in primeval times. Part 3 | Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology | [Boriskovskii, 1969 #35821] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Boriskovskii, P. I. | Vietnam in primeval times. Part 4 | Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology | [Boriskovskii, 1969 #35822] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Boriskovskii, P. I. | Vietnam in primeval times. Part 2 | Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology | [Boriskovskii, 1969 #35829] |
Book | 1969 | Bowring, Sir John | The kingdom and people of Siam | [Bowring, 1969 #20733] | |
Journal Article | 1969 | Boxer, G. R. | A note on Portuguese reactions to the revival of the Red Sea spice trade and the rise of Atjeh, 1540-1600 | Journal of Southeast Asian History | [Boxer, 1969 #32309] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Boyland, E. | Mercapturic acid formation during the metabolism of arecoline and arecaidine in the rat | Biochemistry Journal | [Boyland, 1969 #34964] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Bryner, Leonid | Ore deposits of the Philippines | Economic Geology | [Bryner, 1969 #28480] |
Book | 1969 | Cdès, George | The making of Southeast Asia | [Cdès, 1969 #21303] | |
Journal Article | 1969 | Chang, Jen-Hu | Some aspects of climatic fluctuations since the Pleistocene | Geographical Review | [Chang, 1969 #35251] |
Book | 1969 | Chang, Kwang-chih | Fengpitou, Tapenkeng, and the prehistory of Taiwan | [Chang, 1969 #20697] | |
Book in a Series | 1969 | Chang, Kwang-chih | Fengpitou, Tapenkeng, and the prehistory of Taiwan | [Chang, 1969 #22010] | |
Journal Article | 1969 | Chang, Kwang-chih | Review of "New light on prehistoric China" by Chêng Tê-k'un | Asian Perspectives (1967) | [Chang, 1969 #33362] |
Journal Article | 1969 | Chang, Kwang-chih | Review of "Symposium on Historical, archaeological, and linguistic studies on Southern China, South-East Asia, and the Hong Kong region," F. S. Drake, editor | Asian Perspectives (1967) | [Chang, 1969 #33369] |