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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Book | 1955 | Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros | The fossil evidence for human evolution: an introduction to the study of paleoanthropology | The Scientist's Library. Biology and Medicine | [Clark, 1955 #19841] |
Book | 1955 | Tweedie, Michael Willmer Forbes | Prehistoric Malaya | [Tweedie, 1955 #20132] | |
Book | 1955 | Sinkankas, John | Gem cutting: a lapidary's manual | [Sinkankas, 1955 #20179] | |
Book | 1955 | Steward, Julian H. | Theory of culture change: the methodology of multilinear evolution | [Steward, 1955 #20280] | |
Book | 1955 | Wheeler, Sir Robert Eric Mortimer | Rome beyond the imperial frontiers | [Wheeler, 1955 #20390] | |
Book | 1955 | Hall, D. G. E. | A history of Southeast Asia | [Hall, 1955 #20540] | |
Book | 1955 | Oliver, Douglas L. | A Solomon Island society: kinship and leadership among the Siuai of Bougainville | [Oliver, 1955 #20850] | |
Book | 1955 | Beyer, H. Otley | The relation of tektites to archaeology | [Beyer, 1955 #20941] | |
Book | 1955 | Majumdar, R. C. | Ancient Indian colonization in South-east Asia | [Majumdar, 1955 #20965] | |
Book (Edited) | 1955 | van Leur, J. C. | Indonesian trade and society: essays in Asian social and economic history | [van 1955 #21469] | |
Book in a Series | 1955 | Dupont, Pierre | La statuaire préangkorienne | [Dupont, 1955 #21868] | |
Book in a Series | 1955 | Boisselier, Jean | La statuaire khmère et son évolution | [Boisselier, 1955 #21870] | |
Book Section | 1955 | Almeida, A. | Preliminary notice of a Paleolithic station in the eastern Malaysian archipelago (Portuguese Timor) | Abstracts of papers, Eighth Pacific Science Congress | [Almeida, 1955 #23575] |
Book Section | 1955 | Hanks, Lucien M. | Diphtheria immunization in a Thai community | Health, culture, and community: case studies of public reactions to health programs | [Hanks, 1955 #24419] |
Book Section | 1955 | Linton, Ralph | Southeast Asiatic complex | The tree of culture | [Linton, 1955 #25104] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Moréchand, Guy | Principaux traits du chamanisme mèo blanc en Indochine | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Moréchand, 1955 #26881] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Dupont, Pierre | La Statuaire Préangkorienne | Artibus Asiae, Supplementum | [Dupont, 1955 #28365] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Picard, C. | La lampe alexandrine de P'ong Tuk (Siam) | Artibus Asiae | [Picard, 1955 #28941] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Lal, B. B. | Excavation at Hastinapur and other explorations in the upper Ganga and Sutlej basins 1950-1952 | Ancient India | [Lal, 1955 #29417] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Bednarik, Robert G. | The Côa petroglyphs: an obituary to the stylistic dating of Palaeolithic rock-art | Antiquity | [Bednarik, 1955 #29961] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Said, M. | Kwashiorkor in Negri Sembilan | Medical Journal of Malaya | [Said, 1955 #30253] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Robinson, John T. | Further remarks on the relationship between "Meganthropus" and Australopithecines | American Journal of Physical Anthropology | [Robinson, 1955 #30323] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Movius, Hallam Leonard | Palaeolithic archaeology in southern and eastern Asia, exclusive of India | Journal of World History | [Movius, 1955 #30406] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Ling Shun-Sheng, | New interpretations of the decorative designs on the bronze drums of Southeast Asia | Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica | [Ling 1955 #30424] |
Journal Article | 1955 | van Heekeren, H. R. | Proto-historic sarcophagi on Bali | Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute of the Republic of Indonesia | [van 1955 #31564] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Movius, Hallam L. Jr. | Recent research on early man in China | American Anthropologist | [Movius, 1955 #31600] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Macgregor, I. A. | Notes on the Portuguese in Malaya | Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | [Macgregor, 1955 #31606] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Marchal, Henri | Modifications successives de la partie Nord de la Terrasse des Élephants d'Angkor Thom | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Marchal, 1955 #32161] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Moréchand, Guy | Caractères économiques et sociaux d'une région de pêche maritime du Centre Viêtnam (Nha-trang) | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Moréchand, 1955 #32162] |
Journal Article | 1955 | Damais, L.-C. | Études d'epigraphie indonésienne - IV. Discussion de la date des inscriptions | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Damais, 1955 #32163] |