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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Journal Article | 1951 | Bandi, Hans-Georg | Obsidianindustrie der Umgebung von Bandung in Westjava | Südseestudien (South Sea studies) | [Bandi, 1951 #34094] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Bekker, Conrad | Culture contact and cultural change in Southeast Asia: a symposium | Far Eastern Quarterly | [Bekker, 1951 #34087] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Bezacier, Louis | Les sépultures royales de la dynastie des Lê Postérieurs (Hâu Lê) | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Bezacier, 1951 #26892] |
Book in a Series | 1951 | Briggs, Lawrence Palmer | The ancient Khmer empire | Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series | [Briggs, 1951 #21942] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Briggs, Lawrence Palmer | The ancient Khmer Empire | American Philosophical Society | [Briggs, 1951 #28371] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Burkill, I. H. | The rise and decline of the greater yam in the service of man | Advancement of Science | [Burkill, 1951 #31942] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Cdès, George | Études cambodgiennes XXXIX - L'épigraphie des monuments de Jayavarman VII | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Cdès, 1951 #32180] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Claeys, Jean-Yves | Considérations sur la recherche archéologique au Champa et en Indochine depuis 1925 | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Claeys, 1951 #32181] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Damais, L. C. | Études d'épigraphie indonésienne - I. Méthode de réduction des dates javanaises en dates européennes et II. La date des inscriptions en ère de Sanjaya | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Damais, 1951 #32178] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Filliozat, Jean | Le symbolisme du monument du Phnom Bàkhèn | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Filliozat, 1951 #26889] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Gourou, Pierre | Civilisations et géographie humaine en Asie des moussons | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Gourou, 1951 #32185] |
Book | 1951 | Groot, Gerard J. | The prehistory of Japan | [Groot, 1951 #20932] | |
Journal Article | 1951 | Hambis, Louis | Notes sur quelques sceaux-amulettes nestoriens en bronze | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Hambis, 1951 #26890] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Harrisson, Tom | Excavation of Gua Bungoh in south-west Sarawak | Journal of the Polynesian Society | [Harrisson, 1951 #31227] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Heine-Geldern, Robert | Das Tocharerproblem und die pontische Wanderung | Saeculum | [Heine-Geldern, 1951 #30378] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Hooijer, Dirk Albert | The geological age of Pithecanthropus, Meganthropus and Gigantopithecus | American Journal of Physical Anthropology | [Hooijer, 1951 #31223] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Hooijer, Dirk Albert | A note on the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in the Siwal'ik series of India and in Java | American Journal of Science | [Hooijer, 1951 #35178] |
Book in a Series | 1951 | Hourani, George Fadlo | Arab seafaring in the Indian Ocean in ancient and early medieval times | [Hourani, 1951 #21859] | |
Book in a Series | 1951 | Izikowitz, Karl Gustav | Lamet: hill peasants in French Indochina | [Izikowitz, 1951 #21976] | |
Book | 1951 | Janse, Olov Robert Thure | Archaeological research in Indo-China | [Janse, 1951 #20486] | |
Journal Article | 1951 | Karlgren, Bernhard | Excursions in Chinese grammar | Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities | [Karlgren, 1951 #32636] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Karlgren, Bernhard | The transcription of literary Chinese | Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities | [Karlgren, 1951 #32637] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Karlgren, Bernhard | Notes on the grammar of early bronze décor | Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities | [Karlgren, 1951 #32638] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Krishnaswamy, N. | Origin and distribution of cultivated plants of south Asia: millets | Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding | [Krishnaswamy, 1951 #35951] |
Book Section in a Series | 1951 | Levin, M. G. | древнее расселение человечества в восто& | Proiskhozhdenie cheloveka i drevnee rasselenie chelovechestva | [Levin, 1951 #25965] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Linehan, W. | Traces of a bronze age culture associated with iron age implements in the regions of Klang and the Tembeling, Malaya | Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | [Linehan, 1951 #31629] |
Thesis | 1951 | Mahalingam, T. V. | Economic life in the Vijayanagar empire | [Mahalingam, 1951 #36377] | |
Book | 1951 | Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra | The Vedic age | [Majumdar, 1951 #20414] | |
Journal Article | 1951 | Malleret, Louis | Aperçu de la glyptique d'Oc-Éo | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Malleret, 1951 #26891] |
Journal Article | 1951 | Malleret, Louis | Les fouilles d'Ocèo (1944), rapport préliminaire | Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient | [Malleret, 1951 #32177] |