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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1984 von Dewall, Magdalene New evidence on the ancient bronze kettle-drum of Southeast Asia from recent Chinese finds South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [von 1984 #23849]
Book Section 2003 von Dewall, Magdalene Towards an archaeological discourse on bronze and the social life of things in Southeast Asian late Bronze Age mortuary practice Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [von 2003 #24344]
Journal Article 1977 von Dewall, Magdalene Eine Han-zeitliche Gräbergruppe am oberen Min-chiang und ihre randchinesischen Kulturbeziehungen Oriens Extremus [von 1977 #33748]
Journal Article 1979 von Dewall, Magdalene Die Tien-Kultur und ihre Totenausstattung: Grabsitten einer randchinesischen Stammesgruppe der Frühen Han-Zeit Zentral-Yünnan Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie [von 1979 #33747]
Journal Article 1967 von Dewall, Magdalene The Tien culture of south-west China Antiquity [von 1967 #33815]
Journal Article 1980 Von Dewall, Magdalene Cultural legacies in Southeast Asia - some observations on the scope of archaeology and art in pre-literate society Malaysia in History [Von 1980 #33908]
Book Section 1969 Von Dewall, Magdalene Decorative concepts and stylistic principles in the bronze art of Tien Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific basin : a symposium arranged by the Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, New York City, August 21-25, 1967 [Von 1969 #24522]
Book Section 1972 von Dewall, Magdalene Decorative concepts and stylistic principles in the bronze art of Tien Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific basin : a symposium arranged by the Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, New York City, August 21-25, 1967 [von 1972 #24531]
Journal Article 1979 Von Dewall, Magdalene Die Tien-Kultur und ihre Totenausstattung: Grabsitten einer randchinesischen Stammesgruppe der Frühen Han-Zeit in Zentral-Yünnan Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie [Von 1979 #35567]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Von Dewall, Magdalene Tribal contact with Han Chinese civilization and socio-cultural change in China's southwestern frontier region (late first millennium BC) Southeast Asian Archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress: The Origins of Agriculture, Metallurgy, and the State in Mainland Southeast Asia [Von 1984 #26354]
Book Section 1979 Von Dewall, Magdalene Local workshop centres of the late bronze age in highland South East Asia Early South East Asia: essays in archaeology, history, and historical geography [Von 1979 #25132]