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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Journal Article | 1932 | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | The lithic industry of the Sinanthropus deposits in Choukoutien | Bulletin of the Geological Society of China | [Teilhard 1932 #35932] |
Journal Article | 1935 | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | The Cenozoic sequence in the Yangtze Valley | Bulletin of the Geological Society of China | [Teilhard 1935 #30395] |
Journal Article | 1936 | de Terra, Hellmut | Observations on the upper Siwalik formation and later pleistocene deposits in India | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society | [de 1936 #30393] |
Journal Article | 1950 | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | Le Paleolithique du Siam | L'Anthropologie | [Teilhard 1950 #35385] |
Book in a Series | 1941 | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | Early man in China | [Teilhard 1941 #21839] | |
Journal Article | 1965 | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | Comparisons des formations Plio-Pléistocènes de Birmanie et des contrées avoisinantes | L'Anthropologie | [Teilhard 1965 #33811] |
Book in a Series | 1942 | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | Chinese fossil mammals | [Teilhard 1942 #21808] |