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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2004 Yasuda, Yoshinori Environmental variability and human adaptation during the late glacial/Holocene transition in Japan with reference to pollen analysis of the SG4 core from Lake Suigetsu Quaternary International [Yasuda, 2004 #30665]
Book Section 2004 Tarasov, Pavel E. Late glacial and Holocene vegetation changes recorded in the pollen data from the Hangai mountains, central Mongolia Monsoon and civilization [Tarasov, 2004 #24308]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Gotanda, Katsuya Biome reconstruction of Japanese surface pollen data and its application to the late Quaternary pollen data from Lake Mikata Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [Gotanda, 2001 #26051]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Nakagawa, Takeshi Pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of climate in Japan: its approach and reliability estimation with newly developed technique and software Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [Nakagawa, 2001 #26041]
Book (Edited) 2000 Yasuda, Yoshinori Monsoon: environmental change in Eurasia. The 1st ALDP/ELDP joint meeting Monsoon [Yasuda, 2000 #21591]