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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series (Edited) 2007 Hruby, Zachary X. Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Hruby, 2007 #22067]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hruby, Zachary X. On "rethinking" craft specialization: responses by the authors Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Hruby, 2007 #25371]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Bennett, Gwen P. Context and meaning in late neolithic lithic production in China: the Longshan period in southeastern Shandong Province Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Bennett, 2007 #25373]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Miller, Heather M. - L. Associations and ideologies in the locations of urban craft production at Harappa, Pakistan (Indus civilization) Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Miller, 2007 #25805]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hruby, Zachary X. Ritualized chipped-stone production at Piedra Negras, Guatemala Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Hruby, 2007 #25806]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Carter, Tristan The theatrics of technology: consuming obsidian in the early Cycladic burial arena Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Carter, 2007 #25807]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Inomata, Takeshi Knowledge and belief in artistic production by classic Maya elites Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Inomata, 2007 #25808]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Costin, Cathy Lynne Thinking about production: phenomenological classification and lexical semantics Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Costin, 2007 #25809]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Flad, Rowan K. Rethinking the context of production through an archaeological study of ancient salt production in the Sichuan Basin, China Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Flad, 2007 #25810]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Flad, Rowan K. Specialized production in archaeological contexts: rethinking specialization, the social value of products, and the practice of production Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Flad, 2007 #25811]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Clark, John E. In craft specialization's penumbra: things, persons, action, value, and surplus Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Clark, 2007 #25812]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Li, Yung-ti Specialization, context of production, and alienation in the production process: comments and afterthoughts Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Li, 2007 #25813]