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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Book in a Series (Edited) | 2004 | Vaughn, Kevin J. | Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes | [Vaughn, 2004 #19037] | |
Journal Article | 2004 | Conlee, Christina | The Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes: An Introduction | Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes | [Conlee, 2004 #19038] |
Journal Article | 2004 | Aldenderfer, Mark | Preludes to Power in the Highland Late Preceramic Period | Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes | [Aldenderfer, 2004 #19039] |
Journal Article | 2004 | Haas, Jonathan | Power and the Emergence of Complex Polities in the Peruvian Preceramic | Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes | [Haas, 2004 #19040] |
Journal Article | 2004 | Stanish, Charles | Power, Fairness, and Architecture: Modeling early Chiefdom Development in the Central Andes | Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes | [Stanish, 2004 #19041] |
Journal Article | 2004 | Rick, John W. | The Evolution of Authority and Power at Chavín de Huántar, Peru | Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes | [Rick, 2004 #19042] |
Book in a Series (Edited) | 1999 | Bacus, Elisabeth A. | Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World | [Bacus, 1999 #22018] | |
Book Section | 2005 | Moore, Jerry D. | Power and practice in the prehispanic Andes: final comments | Foundations of power in the prehispanic Andes | [Moore, 2005 #24236] |
Book Section | 2005 | Conlee, Christina A. | The expansion, diversification, and segmentation of power in Late Prehispanic Nasca | Foundations of power in the prehispanic Andes | [Conlee, 2005 #24237] |
Book Section | 2005 | Bandy , Matthew S. | Trade and social power in the southern Titicaca Basin Formative | Foundations of power in the prehispanic Andes | [Bandy 2005 #24238] |
Book Section in a Series | 2001 | Kuijt, Ian | Place, death, and the transmission of social memory in the early agricultural communities of the Near Eastern Pre-pottery Neolithic | Social memory, identity, and death: anthropological perspectives on mortuary rituals | [Kuijt, 2001 #25634] |
Book Section in a Series | 2001 | Hollimon, Sandra E. | Death, gender, and the Chumash peoples: mourning ceremonialism as an integrative mechanism | Social memory, identity, and death: anthropological perspectives on mortuary rituals | [Hollimon, 2001 #25635] |
Book Section in a Series | 2001 | Joyce, Rosemary A. | Burying the dead at Tlatilco: social memory and social identities | Social memory, identity, and death: anthropological perspectives on mortuary rituals | [Joyce, 2001 #25636] |
Book Section in a Series | 2002 | Gillespie, Susan D. | Body and soul among the Maya: keeping the spirits in place | The space and place of death | [Gillespie, 2002 #25637] |
Book Section in a Series | 1999 | McIntosh, Susan Keech | Floodplains and the development of complex society: comparative perspectives from the west African semi-arid tropics | Complex polities in the ancient tropical world | [McIntosh, 1999 #25777] |