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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2014 Larick, R. The early palaeolithic of Southeast Asia Cambridge world prehistory [Larick, 2014 #22379]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Allard, Francis Early complex societies in southern China Cambridge world prehistory [Allard, 2014 #25370]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Van Driem, George Tibeto-Burman phylogeny and prehistory: languages, material culture and genes Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Van 2002 #25593]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Renfrew, Colin 'The emerging synthesis': the archaeogenetics of farming/language dispersals and other spread zones Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Renfrew, 2002 #25597]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Harris, David R. The expansion capacity of early agricultural systems: a comparative perspective on the spread of agriculture Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Harris, 2002 #25596]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Cavalli-Sforza, Luca Demic diffusion as the basic process of human expansions Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Cavalli-Sforza, 2002 #25595]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Fuller, Dorian An agricultural perspective on Dravidian historical linguistics: archaeological crop packages, livestock and Dravidian crop vocabulary Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Fuller, 2002 #25594]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Higham, Charles Languages and farming dispersals: Austroasiatic languages and rice cultivation Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Higham, 2002 #25610]
Book Section 2002 Jones, Rhys Theatrum Oceani: themes and arguments concerning the prehistory of Australia and the Pacific Archaeology: the widening debate [Jones, 2002 #23592]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Blust, Robert Why lexicostatistics doesn't work: the 'universal constant' hypothesis and the Austronesian language Time depth in historical linguistics [Blust, 2000 #25939]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Matisoff, James A. On the uselessness of glottochronology for the subgrouping of Tibeto-Burman Time depth in historical linguistics [Matisoff, 2000 #25938]
Book Section 2002 Jones, Rhys Theatrum Oceani: themes and arguments concerning the prehistory of Australia and the Pacific Archaeology: the widening debate [Jones, 2002 #24106]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Bellwood, Peter The time depth of major language families: An archaeologistÂ’s perspective Time depth in historical linguistics [Bellwood, 2000 #25949]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Bellwood, Peter Foreword Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Bellwood, 2002 #25948]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Bellwood, Peter Concluding observations Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Bellwood, 2002 #25947]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Bellwood, Peter Farmers, foragers, languages, genes: the genesis of agricultural societies Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis [Bellwood, 2002 #25946]
Book Section 2002 Bellwood, Peter Southeast Asian prehistory and archaeology at the turn of the millennium Archaeology: the widening debate [Bellwood, 2002 #24113]
Book Section 2005 Bahn, Paul The Three Ages Archaeology: the key concepts [Bahn, 2005 #24162]
Book Section 1973 Harris, David R. The prehistory of tropical agriculture: an ethnoecological model The explanation of culture change: models in prehistory [Harris, 1973 #24471]
Book Section 1973 Binford, L. K. Interassemblage variability- the Mousterian and the 'functional' argument The explanation of culture change: models in prehistory [Binford, 1973 #24552]