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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1991 Ehrenreich, Robert M. Metalworking in Iron Age Britain: hierarchy or heterarchy? Metals in society: theory beyond analysis [Ehrenreich, 1991 #25794]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Childs, S. Terry Iron as utility or expression: reforging function in Africa Metals in society: theory beyond analysis [Childs, 1991 #25804]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies: comments Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Brumfiel, 1995 #26206]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Crumley, Carole L. Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Crumley, 1995 #26205]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Ehrenreich, Robert M. Early metalworking: a heterarchical analysis of industrial organization Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Ehrenreich, 1995 #26204]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Levy, Janet E. Heterarchy in Bronze Age Denmark: settlement pattern, gender, and ritual Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Levy, 1995 #26196]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Potter, Daniel R. A heterarchical approach to lowland Maya socioeconomies Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Potter, 1995 #26190]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Rogers, Rhea J. Tribes as heterarchy: a case study from the prehistoric southeastern United States Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Rogers, 1995 #26189]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Small, David B. Heterarchical paths to evolution: the role of external economies Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Small, 1995 #26187]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Wailes, Bernard A case study of heterarchy in complex societies: early medieval Ireland and its archeological implications Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Wailes, 1995 #26183]
Book Section in a Series 1995 White, Joyce C. Incorporating heterarchy into theory on socio-political development: the case from Southeast Asia Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [White, 1995 #26182]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Zagarell, Allen Hierarchy and heterarchy: the unity of opposites Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies [Zagarell, 1995 #26177]